Our Approach to Human Dimensions

For the PHJV, the adopted* definition of Human Dimensions refers to “everything in conservation that is not about wildlife and habitats”.

This includes the cultural, legal, political, economic and social constraints, and opportunities that influence both the status of wildlife populations, and the feasibility and success of conservation efforts.

* adapted from Decker, Riley, & Siemer 2012

Following NAWMP 2012 guidance, the PHJV has recognized the need to focus efforts and resources to build key relationships with key partners, stakeholders and rights-holders to collaborate and coordinate as we build towards conservation on working landscapes. To achieve the biological and human dimension outcomes, this plan has placed a focused on recognizing the pivotal role of land managers, governments, Indigenous Peoples and the general public play.

The Human Dimensions (HD) objectives, while separate from the habitat objectives to achieve population goals, are ultimately drivers of those habitat and population objectives on the landscape.

The PHJV defines two overarching Human Dimensions Goals to guide our activities and five associated Key Outcomes that provide benchmarks of success in integrating HD into our conservation plans.

Agricultural Community

Including private landowners, land managers and agricultural industry. In the PHJV, agriculture has the ability to affect large change on the landscape and, therefore, provide the greatest benefit to through their conservation efforts. The PHJV is committed to working with these groups towards sustainable agriculture and are invested in helping to make sure producers stay on the landscape.


Including federal, provincial and municipal. The PHJV recognizes the need to build broader relationships with policy- and decision-makers.

General Public

Including urban and rural residents within the Prairie Parklands, as well as all residents of Canada who benefit from a healthy environment. The PHJV recognizes the need to focus strategies and tactics to include an expanded Human Dimensions component and engage with non-traditional partners, including exploring opportunities to work with Indigenous Peoples of Canada.

Recreational Users

Including hunters, wildlife viewers and other recreational users of wetland- and grassland-associated habitat. The PHJV recognizes that these audiences contribute to increasing the level of active public support regarding the value of wetlands, grasslands and associated biodiversity.